The Sanctuary of Springtime

Spring daffodils with Spring snow

I can see it when I peek out the window towards the Eastern sky. That certain blush of pinkish orange touching the top of Farmer Matt’s barn. Bright and up-lifting. I just know the day will be full of possibility. I can feel it when I take the dogs out for their morning constitutional. That hint of warm breeze against my cheek, even though I am bundled up for the cold. I can smell it, and hear it, and almost taste it. The muddy earth under thawing piles of crusty snow. The birds, all twitterpated with this excitement. Spring! I can almost taste the season.

Growing up in Washington, March almost always heralded the new buds, warm breezes, and anxious nest-building birds of Springtime. I could eagerly begin planning my gardens and herb beds. I could anticipate with a gardener’s glee storing the Winter coats and breaking out the tee-shirts and bare feet. East Cornfield, Indiana is another matter all together. March rolls around and teases us with just that hint of warmth and those tiny lilac buds, and I get excited. I survived another Winter onslaught. I can see the light!

But LO! Wait for it, wait…..more snow in the forecast. Temperatures dropping below zero. Parkas and wool socks for another 6 weeks. It’s so darn frustrating. It’s a slog! I’m just ready to say goodbye to Winter.

The nest box in March

I need to take the advice of my own flock of chickens and relax. Breathe! The season flows with its own rhythm, I can’t force it, especially here in Indiana. But I can begin planning. Oh, I do love to plan. (Insert cheesy grin right about here.)

Digging in the garden with Kayla
Picnics under the cherry tree
Meat on the grill
Lilac tree
Luna relaxing

Spring has become a hugely anticipated season for me living here on the farm. And yes, I can feel those tiny inklings of Spring in the energy of each moment. I look forward to sharing ideas for growing and using herbs with you; wild-harvesting and creating Spring tonics; and crafting simple, natural products for our healthy bodies and souls.

Spring is a time for renewal and new projects and longer days and hopefully MORE sunshine!

A LOT more sunshine.


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